the blogger

Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Honesty, the non-ability to lie, lack of tact--whatever you want to call it--has always been my most recognizable flaw.

05 May 2008

happy cinco de mayo!

"... they always try 2 make it seem like everything is about my ego! That joke is getting old." -Kanye West

One more week until I'm hooome! In my not-even-drunken-yet stupor, I had left my over-the-shoulder bag (containing: wallet, keys, two pairs of black pumps, & my phone) at the on-campus eatery Saturday night. I'm so fucking dumb, it's ridiculous. Hopefully, my shit doesn't get stolen... as often as I lose things, I'm glad I've never been robbed (here, anyway).

One paper, one exam, lots of German--here's to one last grueling week before I'm free.

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