the blogger

Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Honesty, the non-ability to lie, lack of tact--whatever you want to call it--has always been my most recognizable flaw.

25 August 2008

i'll get you, my pretties

I had to eat dinner with both (and just) my grandparents this evening for the first time in two years. Yes, I do live with them but for the longest time, I've avoided this particular fate. Until today.

My dad threw a fit because I wasn't keeping them company during dinner so I was basically guilt-tripped/conned. I had almost forgotten why I hated eating with my grandparents until we started chowing down. UGH. DENTURES. I wanted to vomit; there is nothing more assaulting and offensive to my peckish state than the sight of my grandfather's disgusting teeth, accented by the squicky sound of dentures... gross!

It seems like such a silly nuisance, but fer rills, lively dentures are right down there with leeches, harlequin babies, and peanut butter on moldy bread--things that are sure to send me spewing.

So I left the table, and when my mom asked why I wasn't eating with my grandparents, I felt too sheepish to not go back and finish dinner. Damn you, you spotted man-crone!

Mein kleiner, runder Kuchen is going to Germany tomorrow. This week is going to pretty much suck, until Sundaaaaaaay!

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