the blogger

Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Honesty, the non-ability to lie, lack of tact--whatever you want to call it--has always been my most recognizable flaw.

02 January 2008

favorite songs

Well, to start off the new year, I've made a resolution to keep a regular journal of sorts--more of a place to keep random thoughts and things of personal interest.

Another resolution: to forget 2007. I think it was the most disappointing year of my life (I'm only nineteen, so it's no big feat), considering that my expectations have never been so high... and unmet. I thought my outlook was rather realistic, but I can't but say I pigeon-holed myself. I have that terrible habit of exacerbating my own misery.

To start the new year, I got a new haircut, new clothes, and a new outlook.

I don't have much to talk about... but lately, sad songs have been on my mind. Actually, to be entirely honest, my taste is rather "maudlin" as my dear roommate once pointed out, and I'm going to talk about my favorite songs of all time, because why the hell not?


"Hurt" by Johnny Cash
- Clearly, this song is depressing. But it's the one song that will always stop me *every time.* No exaggeration--I don't know what it is... Johnny Cash's age-ladened vocals, the raw, poignant lyrics, the simple instrumentals... this version touches me in a way that Nine Inch Nails never could.

"A Place Called Home" by Kim Richey
- I adore Buffy, and I adore Angel--the show, not the broody character I find exasperating. I first heard this song when Fred died on the show, and, as much as I am loathe to admit how huge my inner Buffy nerd is, this song is loved because of its fantasy-television association. Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy and Angel, is genius; I always identify with his characters, and I feel this song could not be any more perfect to represent my loyalty to the characters. This folksy tune is nostalgic and reminds me of a simpler time.

"Fields of Gold" by Eva Cassidy
- I love the original by Sting also, but Eva Cassidy's version of anything, I declare, is always going to be better than the original. This is the most heartbreaking song of all time. I think it was by accident that I came across this; I doubt this song ever got airplay (regularly enough for me to listen in on, anyway). The point is, I found it somewhere online shortly after Robert died and promptly broke down. I lost more people after that, but, as cliche as it is, this song helped me through it. Once upon a time, this song used to be The Song To Cry To. Now, I think of fields of gold... I think of people I miss bathing in sunlight. I think of the west wind, and I think of my sick aunt. It's comforting in its pain. If only Cassidy were alive today...

"Lesson Learned" by Ray Lamontagne
- I can't say I can relate to the song in any way, but I figure songs are always up to the listener's interpretation, and anyway, I'm a HUGE sucker for breathy deep male vocals and grumbly songs about heartache.

"Every You Every Me" by Placebo
- I miss my alternative rock/punk days. I remember hearing this for the first time in "Cruel Intentions" (so horribly GOOD, and Jesus, isn't my memory alarming?!) and falling in love immediately. I still don't get why it's "Every You and Every Me" and not "Every Me [and] Every You" as the song goes, but it's just a good, pulse-accelerating song that I feel I could've written in my younger angstier teen days--you know, secretly.

"Ever Fallen in Love?" by the Buzzcocks
- Possibly my favorite song of all time, by my favorite band of all time. Isn't this surprising, given my general taste? I love the melody more than the lyrics, and I don't need to explain why I love this song. It's just plainly amazing. Brilliant, perfectly brilliant.

"Levon" by Elton John
- Elton John is my God. He holds a very special place in my apartment--in the upper right hand corner of my mirror. I LOVE ELTON JOHN. Despite the fact that the impossibly glorious Elton John is more of a love-song/upbeat pop showstopper sort of man, "Levon" is undeniably my favorite song from him. I think it's the country twang of the song that grabs me... or the narration of a man I feel I know. I'm totally serious, too. I'm so overly sentimental.

"Foolish Games" by Jewel
- 'Nough said. This is my ultimately girly-girl I'm-such-a-goddamn-girl song. That being said, Christian, my gay best, loves it also.

"Lay Lady Lay" by Bob Dylan
- My favorite line of all time: "His clothes are dirty, but his hands are clean." That's saying a lot, since I am the hugest sap for meaningful words. So puissant. The first man to sing that to me and mean it will be the man I marry.

"Whiskey Lullaby" by Alison Krauss & Brad Paisley
- I love love-gone-wrong songs. I adore Alison Krauss' clear clear voice. It's so pure, and I hear everything, the whole story. Such a lovely sad song... "and the angels sang a whiskey lullaby..." The angels sang indeed.

"Caravane" by Raphael
- Don't understand a lick of it. But sexy much? SO SEXY. It's kinda whispery, lilting vocals, something persuasive about the tune. Poetic inflections abound.

"Yellow Eyes" by Minnie Driver
- Minnie Driver has the voice I die for. I want to be the girl with the yellow eyes... I wished I had Driver's voice, and I wish I penned this song.

"Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol
- Billy Idol is, pun truly not intended, is my idol. I'm nothing like him. In fact, I'm a rather sensibly dressed, sensible-jewelry wearing Asian with sensible hair. But something about this song makes me want to put on leather and do something crazy, like dance on tables. "Rebel Yell" has been a favorite of mine since the 6th grade and besides, it makes me feel free and alive.

"Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley
- WTF, right? I hate religion, I've been known to be called "a militant atheist"... and I have no idea why this is one of my favorite songs. But it's amazing. I couldn't care less about Jesus and Christianity, but... it's just really, really good.

"Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode
- I am ultra-talkative, usually. I talk so fucking much, I self-exile myself when in the company of nice people who are too polite to shut me up. Talking, for me, is an avoidant activity, ironically. I am a horrific liar, but I can talk myself out of a lot of things. My nature aside, "Enjoy the Silence" is probably the song of my life.

